theres a strange kind of challenge in being able to drift your mind from the most critical... to the ignorable & small... and here i refer to the level of importance of the subject or thot n nothing else.. the challenge of thinking macro, n rethinking if the same would have a relevant interpretation at a micro level!!... and just to make life a little worse.. realising the irrelevance of the most critical macro thots at the micro level...
if life is bigger.. bigger than you (as rem wud put it;) ) then why do we remain engrossed in the complications of the irrelevant nitty gritty's of life.... "Small issues are irritants and hamper efficient working of the human mind"...
why do i call it a strange challenge?.. imagine the so called absent minded philosopher scientist Albert Einstein.. blissfully unaware of small issues like 'what if he keeps his car keys somewhere and forgets!!'... BIG DEAL... it shall be worked out somehow or the other.. but if he forgets a particular chain of thoughts while trying to work out a real life experiment to prove a particular concept that takes the general theory of relativity a step ahead so that time machines could be actually made... well.. thats a blooper!!...
so the challenge is for regular philosopher scientists like us.... we are neither lucky enuf to be absent minded like AE... nor, possibly, have given ourselves such strong high level goals to achieve, that ignoring the smaller issues becomes incidental...
here is my conclusion... (and its not mine :))...
...Educated men lay down broad general principles; uneducated men argue from common knowledge and draw obvious conclusions - Aristotle
1 comment:
Prisnor of words... wont change .. reminds me of Schopenhauer's parable... Talk about adabtability...Human Beings are like hedgehogs. They approach each other for warmth, get pricked by the quills of the other..get hurt..Move away till, feeling cold they come closer. Again.
This to and fro movement keeps on being repeated till an optimum distance is reached, where body temperature is above freezing point yet the pain inflicted by the quills is still bearable.
From rhetoric to distance and adaptability...
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