...a certain able bodied being with a penchant for indulgence, recently put my mental peace at risk... the idea of "convenient love" was thrown open for my analysis and contemplation by this modest self proclaimed urban ascetic...
Cut 2
7 relationships, 3 amorous movies and almost 5 years have been kept in perspective...
...see, i achieved self conciousness very late.. i dont remember much of the first 13 odd years of my life, and the need to analyse 'morality' came even later...
so what is "convenient love" (CL - acronymifying convenient love!) and whats it got to do with "morality" ?!?
Cut 3
she has known him... she is friends with many... she cant say no to her parents... she is a nice girl... she is confused... she needs someone... she needs noone.... she connects with him... she is falling for someone else... she experienced this for the first time... she has different priorities... she is done with all this... she cant compromise... she cant compromise again... she is hurt... she needs him... she cant take him anymore... she has a golden soul... she seeks golden souls... she seeks loneliness.... she... lives!
cud i have replaced all these "she's" with "he"?!?!....
---- "...do you believe thats air you are breathing?" - Morpheus
Cut 4
CL is about constricting your love with social boundaries... going only upto an extent that society allows you... u do everything that makes others feel that u have not broken any social rules... u probably are right?! u fear the stigma and the complexity of it all...
when you make a P&L account of all possibilities and evaluate the optimum loss and go for it... the economic quantity of love is all that u end up delivering... even to urself!!!
i assume morality to be a social code of conduct and not an individual one... u for sure compromise on morality when u indulge in convenient love... thats the other side of P&L... u give in to the moment as an individual.. and then go back to the one with whom you are "supposed" to be...socially...
...or u chose to fulfill a certain percentage of your needs from one relationship and for the other set of needs, u look for more CL relationships.... the catch is... u always make urself belive that its love... whether CL or not... its love...
Final Cut
we struggle.. we crawl on ur knees and beg to be "amoral".... the action potential travelling thru our synaptic nodes does not allow multiple relationships... wud it be better?... wud it be chaotic??,,, are we slaves of a new type of tyranny... neither feudal, nor colonial,..... but ... moral??,,, am i exaggerating.... or is it just those amorous flicks speaking thru my gut!!?...
i know i am not gullible..
i wish i was below the line of fatality... i wish i had neither explored chomsky nor read freud.. neither heard of existentialism nor tried to question moral codes...
i wish i had never experienced true love... !!
...true unsocial love!!