Tuesday, January 16, 2007

life in bombay...

U are scared of that needle poking into ur finger to draw out blood for testing…. When it happens… u bear it… u don’t really love it but u don’t hate it as much either…

U hate that filthy muddy puddle out there in that smelly corner of the cowshed… and then u r pushed into it … to clean it… u start getting used to it .. after a point..u don’t love it but u don’t even hate it as much…

U have to clean your own toilets…. U r doing it for the first time… u cant stand the thought of the filth… but u cull up all the courage and do it…. U don’t love the experience but u don’t hate it as much as u though u wud…

--- fill in two or more such filthy instances from your personal expereince ---

U are in Bombay for the first time… u don’t have the patience to wait inside ur auto while u r sweating and getting late… u cant stand the number of people u are forced to see in one go at dadar station… and the number of people who squeeze themselves thru the small stairway leading to the equally unheavenly exit of the station… some months pass… u have been in Bombay long enuf… and now .. u may not actually be in love with these inhuman conditions but .. then u don’t hate it either..

This is not a happy ending… just in case...

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